Creative Arts

Component 1: Experimentation and Participation in the Creative Arts

Standard 1.a: Children gain an appreciation for and participate in the creative arts related to music & movement, drama, and the visual arts.

By the following age ranges, children typically, for example:

  • Make eye contact with singers and imitate by babbling during or after an adult sings or chants
  • Use objects as tools to make sounds, for example, banging blocks together with adult help
  • Respond to music and being sung to by listening and moving bodies (e.g., their heads, arms, and legs) with some intent and control
  • Engage in social play with adults
  • Show curiosity and explore sensory materials; enjoy feeling various pleasing sensations and textures
  • Attend to bright and/or contrasting colors in pictures, photographs, and/or mirror images
  • Use facial expressions, sound (e.g., vocalization, clapping), and movement to encourage singers, music, or finger plays to continue or in response to cues.
  • Enjoy producing music and other sounds with simple instruments (e.g., triangles, tambourines, etc.)
  • Recognize and associate a certain song or sound with a particular meaning (e.g., hear a naptime song and think that it’s safe, secure, and time to nap)
  • Stand with feet wide apart and sway to the sound of music
  • Engage in more complex play sequences based on an understanding of everyday events and routines (e.g., pretend to drink from a cup and then say “Ah!” when finished)
  • Use a variety of materials in exploring and creating visual art (e.g., create marks with crayons, paint, or chalk)
  • Scribble spontaneously on paper or in sensory materials (e.g., sand; shaving cream)
  • Talk or sing to themselves for comfort or enjoyment (e.g., repeat the same song over and over)
  • “Play” musical instruments (e.g., attempt tap on a drum, press keys of a piano, ring a bell)
  • Dance to music in a group with support from adults
  • Explore roles through imaginative play, such as saying “boo” to an adult and acting scared when the adult says “boo” to them
  • Seek out imaginative play opportunities with trusted adults
  • Use a variety of art materials with increasing purpose (e.g., squeeze soft clay and dough into abstract shapes)
  • Scribbles become more controlled with repeated motions (e.g., series of horizontal lines; sometimes naming their scribbles)
  • Imitate simple songs and finger-play movements (e.g., imitate Itsy-Bitsy Spider finger movements but may not know all of song lyrics)
  • March with musical instruments with support from adults
  • Dance alone or with others
  • Use imaginative play as a vehicle to express their own life experiences and familiar stories
  • Watch and copy other children’s play activities
  • Create representations of real objects in artwork and tell about their artistic creation
  • Demonstrate preferences for favorite colors
  • Begins to draw people with circle type head with arms and legs
  • Recite familiar songs and fingerplays (e.g., Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, ABC song)
  • Explore musical instruments and use them to produce rhythms and tones
  • Begin to move their bodies with increasing control and expression
  • Act out the plots and characters found in familiar stories
  • Participate in pretend play with other children
  • Identify and sometimes name the content in their work of art (e.g., “I made a dog, and his name is Spot”)
  • Notice and communicate about the content of art, music, and drama (e.g., “I like dogs” to describe a picture of a dog)
  • Choose their own art for display in the classroom or for inclusion in a portfolio or book (e.g., bring drawing to their mailbox)
  • Begins adding more detail to drawings of people adding arm with fingers and more elaborate faces
  • Plan and create new songs and dances or add their own words to songs with support from adults
  • Apply vocal skills to instruments to produce more complex rhythms, tones, melodies, and songs
  • Move their bodies with increasing skill to express emotions and rhythms
  • Write and act out stories based upon familiar topics or characters
  • Intentionally plan and create content in a work of art and show persistence in completing it (e.g., a picture, a playdough sculpture, etc.)
  • Engage with displays of visual art, music, and drama, and may express preferences for types of artwork or art activities
  • Communicate about the composition of and elements appearing in art, music, and drama in increasing detail (e.g., “I like that drawing because they used lots of stars.”)
  • Choose own art for display in the classroom or for inclusion in a portfolio or book and explain their choices and preferences in some detail (e.g., “I used the color red and red is my favorite color.”)
  • Draws people with even more detail such as hair, eyelashes, trunks for bodies, and hands with fingers
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