
Component 1: Number Sense and Quantity

Standard 1.a: Children develop number recognition and counting skills and learn the relationship between numbers and the quantity they represent.

By the following age ranges, children typically, for example:

  • Hold two objects, one in each hand
  • Gesture (e.g., for “more” when eating)
  • Use words, gestures, and/or signs for action phrases (e.g., “all gone” and “more”)
  • Recognize that there are “one” or “two” of something
  • Name their first number word—typically “two” (or they hold up two fingers)
  • Bring 2 treats when asked to get treats for two people
  • Match small and large objects (e.g., counting bears to make “Mommy and Me” pairs)
  • Verbally count to 10 (or in some way indicate a knowledge of words for the numbers from one to ten in sequence) with occasional errors
  • Count up to 5 objects accurately
  • Name and identify some written numerals
  • Identify quantities associated with some numbers
  • Quickly name the number in a group of objects, up to four, without counting
  • Verbally count to 20 (or in some way indicate knowledge of the words for the numbers from 1 to 20 in sequence) with occasional errors
  • Use strategies to accurately count sets of up to 10 objects
  • Understand that the last number counted represents the number of objects in a set
  • Associate a quantity with a written numeral up to five
  • Recognize and write some numerals up to 10
  • Quickly name the number in a group of objects, up to 10
  • Verbally count beyond 20 (or in some way indicate knowledge of numbers beyond 20 in sequence), demonstrating an understanding of the number pattern
  • Use strategies to count large sets of objects (more than 10)
  • Know the number that comes before or after a specified number (up to 20)
  • Recognize and order each written numeral up to 10
  • Associate a quantity with a written numeral up to 10
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