Component 2: Gross Motor Development
Standard 2.a: Children develop large muscle control, strength, and coordination.
By the following age ranges, children typically, for example:
- Reach and play with toys while sitting
- Reach for objects and bring them to their mouth
- Pound on a table and other objects
- Roll both ways (front to back and back to front)
- Get into sitting position without help while lying down or crawling
- Sit without support
- Squat to pick up toys or other objects
- Jump with feet apart
- Carry a toy while walking
- Stand on one foot with assistance
- Pull up to a standing position
- Bend or stoop over to pick up a toy or other object
- Pull toys behind themselves
- Climb onto and off couches, chairs, large rocks, or logs
- Roll a large ball
- Toss a ball into a large container
- Sit on and move small-wheeled riding toys
- Play “catch” using a large rubber ball
- Throw underhand with some direction
- Climb on outdoor play equipment
- Pedal a tricycle
- Aim and throw a ball over-hand toward a target
- Bounce a ball
- Hit a stationary ball with a plastic or foam bat
- Use arms and legs in a coordinated manner to “pump” on a swing
- Jump off a bottom step or over small objects with two feet
- Fill and carry large containers across the yard or room, setting down frequently or with another child’s or adult’s support
- Catch a small ball with two hands
- Bounce a ball and catch it
- Aim and throw or kick a ball with some accuracy
- Pull another child in a wagon on a path
- Move up and down on a climbing structure and hangs from a bar
- Fill and carry a large container with sand or water across the yard or room
Standard 2.b: Children develop traveling skills.
By the following age ranges, children typically, for example:
- Shift between lying down, sitting, and balancing on their hands and knees
- Crawl
- Move from one place to another by walking
- Sometimes run instead of walk
- Walk upstairs holding an adult’s hand or crawl upstairs on hands and knees
- Run sturdily
- Walk up steps with some help
- Walk backwards
- Walk on tiptoes
- Change direction while walking or running
- Stop suddenly after running (displaying increased coordination and regulation of large muscles)
- Climb upstairs using alternating feet; walk downstairs, placing both feet on one step before approaching each subsequent step down
- Jump forward at least six inches
- Move in, under, and over objects in the environment with ease
- Run up to a ball and kick it while maintaining balance
- Walk or run around obstacles and corners
- Walk up and down stairs, alternating feet
- Understand the position or orientation of their body to other objects and people
- Hop forward on one foot without losing balance
- Walk along a beam or edge
- Gallop
- Skip
- Run with control and balance, making quick turns without losing speed and quick stops
- Demonstrate how their body can move forward, backward, left and right
- Demonstrate how their body can move fast or slow