Component 3: Fine Motor Development
Standard 3.a: Children develop small-muscle control, strength, and coordination.
By the following age ranges, children typically, for example:
- Hold onto a toy when it is handed to them
- Reach for, grasp, and shake things
- Bring hands and objects to their mouth
- Transfer a toy from one hand to another
- Pat, shake, or hit objects
- Mimic a hand clap or wave

- Turn the pages of books and point to pictures while being read to
- Hold objects in both hands
- Pick up very small objects with their index finger and thumb
- Bang two toys together
- Play pat-a-cake without much help (such as someone moving their hands for them)
- Begin to stack two to three blocks

- Open cabinets, drawers, and boxes
- String large beads
- Turn containers over to empty out the contents
- Remove lids from containers
- Stack four to six large blocks/cubes
- Attempt snipping with scissors

- String large beads onto shoelaces
- Turn knobs and unscrew lids, put lids on post, unwrap candy, etc.
- Put three or four pieces into a puzzle board
- Dig and scoop sand or water
- Use scissors with adult support

- String medium-sized beads onto shoelaces
- Continues to fit together manipulatives and connecting toys (e.g., Legos, bristle blocks)
- Use scissors with purpose
- With adult support, pour milk or spoon out fruit
- With adult support, zips clothes

- Fold a piece of paper with accuracy and symmetry
- Works on puzzles of 10 or more pieces
- Use simple tools (e.g., stapler, hole punch, scissors, tape dispenser)
- Holds paper and makes precise cuts to cut out a square
- Button and zip clothes

Standard 3.b: Children develop writing and drawing skills.
By the following age ranges, children typically, for example:
- Grasp objects with their thumb, index, and middle fingers or other adaptive method (e.g., using pincer grip)
- Bring their hands to their midline (e.g., moving hands towards each other over the middle of their body

- Grab and hold large writing objects, such as crayons, with their whole fist or other adaptive method
- Scribble spontaneously on paper

- Holds large writing objects, such as crayons, with a variety of writing grips, and uses with more control.
- Make spontaneous dots, lines, and wobbly circles when painting or drawing
- Fold paper approximately in half

- Hold a pencil in an approximate writing grip or other adaptive method
- Attempt to copy a drawn circle
- Attempt to draw a cross
- Attempt to use a horizontal and vertical stroke

- Hold a regular pencil writing grip or other adaptive method
- Use horizontal and vertical stroke
- Make a cross with a marker or pencil
- Draw a circle
- Write letter or numeral-like forms

- Draw recognizable shapes
- Write some letters and numerals using a writing grip or other adaptive method